#013 – 3 Questions & 5 Hobbies

Quote, Podcast, Mental Model, Hack, Tweet.

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#013 at a Glance:

  • Quote that will get you thinking: The marble and the sculptor.

  • Podcast you should listen to: How to MASTER conversational skills.

  • Mental Model: The 3-Question Self-Assessment.

  • Hack: Everyone needs these 5 types of hobbies.

  • Tweet I liked: Stop watching the news.

Quote that will get you thinking:

“Man cannot remake himself without suffering for he is both the marble and the sculptor.”

Alexis Carrel

Podcast you should listen to:

All the Hacks with Andrew Warner: How to MASTER Conversational Skills

Have you ever walked away from a conversation thinking “Ughh, why did I say that?” or “I could have been so much clearer…why can’t I be better in conversations?”

Don’t worry, me too.

This podcast helps with exactly that. How to master conversational skills, how to position yourself in a conversation so that you ultimately achieve what you’re looking for, and genuine practical tools to speak with more precision and become more confident.

And don’t worry – it’s not done in a cringe way and Andrew Warner (successful entrepreneur, author, and podcaster) knows what he’s talking about.

Listen on Spotify here. Listen on Apple Podcasts here. Watch on YouTube here.

Mental Model:

The 3-Question Self-Assessment 

How often do you consciously sit and think about your life? Do you make the time to put all your ‘machines’ on hold and take a look at things from a birds-eye view? Consider things from a different perspective?

I’m definitely not as frequent with this as I should be. I think it’s because we get caught up in the day-to-day of completing tasks and running around in the name of ‘getting things done’ without giving enough considered thought to whether we’re actually moving forward.

I find this particularly prevalent the more I delve into the self-development space. Sure, we all love consuming content in the hopes of it providing us with information that when applied, will ultimately make us better than we are today. I’m sure that’s a big reason why you’re subscribed to this newsletter (thanks for that btw, legend 👊).

But in consuming all of that content and implementing all of those different routines, hacks, frameworks, mental models, exercises, tips, and tricks, we tend to deprive ourselves the chance to thoughtfully contemplate these 3 very simple questions:

  1. What am I doing well at the moment?

  2. What am I doing poorly?

  3. What can I change to improve my performance in those areas in which I am currently doing poorly?

We turn to so many mediums in search for ways to be better but more often than not, the answers to a lot of our problems can be solved by sitting in the sun with a coffee, a pen, and a notepad, simply pondering these 3 questions.

It’s coming up to the middle of the year, set aside the time and think about it…

I’m sure your future self will thank you for it.


The 5 types of Hobbies you need

According to Jim Kwik, there are 5 types of hobbies that everyone needs:

  1. One to keep you in shape.

  2. One to make you money.

  3. One to build knowledge.

  4. One to challenge your mindset.

  5. One to keep you creative.

Seems pretty logical to me. Allocate your time accordingly.

I know it doesn’t fit neatly into “hobby” categories typically but time with friends and family is obviously missing from that list.

Also, time dedicated to simply doing nothing. Chilling out. Whatever you want to call it. To quote the famous Chinese philosopher, Laozi, “Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing.”

Tweet I liked:

That’s all for this week, thanks for reading!

Grateful for your support.

Stay hungry, stay humble, & stay curious. ⚡

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