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  • #005 – How To Sell Anything & Is Coconut Water Actually Good For You?

#005 – How To Sell Anything & Is Coconut Water Actually Good For You?

Quote, Podcast, Hack, Health Dive, Tweet.

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I share 5 interesting ideas every Thursday morning to ignite your curiosity and drive your growth in productivity, business, and all things peak performance.

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read time 3.5 minutes 

#005 at a Glance:

  • Quote that will get you thinking: Setting The Bar Too Low

  • Podcast you should listen to: How to Sell Anything

  • Hack you should try: 10 Ideas A Day

  • Health Dive: What Is The Science Behind Coconut Water? (I did the research so you don’t have to)

  • Tweet I liked: Never Laugh At This Type of Person

Quote that will get you thinking:

“If you limit your goals to what you know you can achieve, you are setting the bar way too low.”

Ray Dalio

If you want to see a visual representation of what this quote looks like in practice, have a look at this.

Podcast you should listen to:

How to Sell Anything with Omar Zenhom

When most people think about ‘sales’ or ‘selling’ they probably imagine one person attempting to convince another person to buy a product.

Oh, how narrow that definition is.

Selling applies not only to the world of physical products but it extends to all areas of our daily life. Having a conversation? You’re selling a point of view – you’re trying to convince someone to buy into what you’re saying. Going for a job interview? You’re trying to sell yourself as an asset to the business.

Good salespeople convince people to buy something. Great salespeople don’t convince people to buy anything; they help people make decisions.

Here’s a 19-minute podcast that will reconfigure your approach to sales whether it’s selling a product, service, or even yourself.

Listen on Spotify here. Listen on Apple Podcasts here.

Hack you should try:

10 Ideas A Day

Just like any muscle, our ‘creative muscles’ experience atrophy when we don’t use them.

Every day in both our personal and professional lives, we are challenged to be ‘more creative’. We are forced to ‘think outside the box’, ‘break the mould’, ‘push the envelope’, ‘change the status quo’, the list goes on…

That’s all well and good… but HOW do we actually do that?

Well, here’s one way to do it (which I came across in Utopia) courtesy of James Altucher:

Come up with 10 ideas a day. About anything.

Sounds too good and too simple to be true, I know. But I’ve given it a shot over the last few days and it has worked (surprisingly) well.

Not entirely sure about the science behind it, but fundamentally it’s quite simple: the more you flex your creative muscles, the stronger your ideas will be.

Health Dive:

Is Coconut Water Actually Good For You?

I’ve been drinking coconut water a lot recently, purely because I’ve become addicted to the taste and it seemed like something healthy.

I dove a little deeper and did some research (so you don’t have to) to understand if there are actually any benefits to drinking it. Here’s what I found:

  • Coconut water is just as effective as sports drinks for the purpose of rehydration but is said to foster more rapid rehydration after exercise compared to plain water.

  • Coconut water can significantly lower levels of muscle damage and elicit faster recovery times (when consumed immediately post-exercise). However, this study was conducted on only 10 participants.

  • Coconut water contains high levels of antioxidants which may help protect against inflammation in the body.

  • Coconut water is high in natural sugars and therefore should be consumed in moderation.

  • There are more studies about coconut water that have been conducted on animals than there are on humans.

To sum it all up: Coconut water is an extremely useful hydrating tool with a range of benefits. It shouldn’t replace water entirely but merely accompany it. While there is no consensus in the scientific community as to a recommended daily intake, most websites/studies I read recommended 1-2 cups (~240ml) per day to avoid the overconsumption of natural sugars.

So there you go.

Tweet I liked:

That’s all for this week, thanks for reading!

Grateful for your support.

Stay hungry, stay humble, & stay curious. ⚡

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