#082 – 7 Levels Deep & Bulldozers

Quote, Podcast, Video, Framework, Tweet.

Good morning everyone,

Hope you’re having a great week!

Let’s jump in.

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#082 at a Glance:

  • Quote: When work begins.

  • Podcast: Chris Williamson x Nedd Brockmann.

  • Video: Autonomous Bulldozers.

  • Framework: 7 Levels Deep.

  • Tweet: Where balance is found.

Quote I’ve been thinking about:

“Work begins when the excitement to work ends.”

Alex Hormozi

Podcast I listened to:

Modern Wisdom #875 – Nedd Brockmann

Terrific chat between Chris Williamson and Nedd Brockmann on mental health vs mental toughness, whether or not it’s important that other people understand your mission, and the necessity of getting comfortable being uncomfortable.

Really enjoyed listening to this one.

Playing it through the speakers whilst driving on the country roads here in Queensland really added to the vibe, I must say.

Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube.

[Podcast Length: 1 hour 33 minutes]

Video I watched:

Autonomous Bulldozers Explained 

Watched an awesome video from Aaron Witt, a brilliant content creator in the mining space, explaining the utility and function of autonomous bulldozers.

I found this concept super interesting and the video prompted me to reflect more deeply about the role of automation in what were previously such labour-intensive industries (like mining), and the ways in which we can utilise that technology to complement, rather than replace, human skill.

The mine site in the video – Lake Vermont – is also the mine that I am currently working on, so it was really cool on a personal note to see the equipment that I come into contact with on a daily basis showcased in such an exciting format!

Framework I came across:

7 Levels Deep

Recently, a great friend of mine sent me this video where Dean Graziosi explains the ‘7 Levels Deep’ Framework.

Essentially, the ‘7 Levels Deep’ exercise aims to assist anyone to get to the fundamental, root cause of their overarching purpose and desires when undertaking any task or endeavour.

This is how it works.

When you are either considering, or have already taken, an affirmative course of action, ask yourself ‘why’ seven times, each layer penetrating more meaningfully into your cognitive and emotional drivers.

For example: the task or decision to be made could be the simple act of going to the gym in order to get in better shape.

Ask yourself:

“Why do I want to go the gym?”

And then (for every subsequent answer):







Sounds super simple but man, it can be confronting.

I’ve started doing it and have found that – if nothing else – it is an extremely powerful source of motivation for when things start to get tough or the internal voices of laziness and procrastination start to creep in.

Give it a go.

You won’t regret it.

Tweet I liked:

Where Balance is Found

Thanks for reading! Grateful for your support.

Stay hungry, stay humble, stay curious. ⚡

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