#061 – Delegation & KitKats

Quote, Podcast, Article, Marketing Strategy, Tweet.

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#061 at a Glance:

  • Quote: The world is split between two kinds of people.

  • Podcast: Mike Thurston x Luke Belmar.

  • Article: Delegation guide for lawyers.

  • Marketing Strategy: Have AI Break, Have A KitKat.

  • Tweet: The richest guy on your block...

Quote I’ve been thinking about:

“The world is split between those who don’t know how to start making money and those who don’t know how to stop.”

Nassim Taleb

Podcast I listened to:

First Things THRST E040: Luke Belmar

Luke Belmar is one of the most fascinating characters on the internet.

Born in Argentina, Luke moved to the US at age 16 and was forced to fend for himself. He worked several part-time jobs and hustled his way to an online self-education in business, history, finance, and marketing/sales.

He initially began to create a financial foundation for himself through various e-commerce and dropshipping ventures. Today, he is now a prominent figure in the digital arena having built Capital Club, one of the most exclusive business networks in the world, alongside a successful media distribution company, a PE/VC fund, and a wildly successful cryptocurrency portfolio.

Here are some of my favourite takeaways:

  • “Those who want to lead the orchestra must be willing to turn their back on the crowd”. In other words, you have to be okay with being misunderstood. You have to be okay with being rejected. You have to be okay with not thinking or acting like the other 99% of people.

  • There’s a science behind everything – nothing is a coincidence. There’s a science behind virality, there’s a science behind distraction, and there’s a science behind fame. Everything is more calculated than we realise.

  • The internet is the democratiser of opportunity.

  • Never underestimate the power of vibrational frequencies through music and their ability to influence our emotions and decision-making.

Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube.

[Podcast Length: 1 hour 41 minutes]

Article I read:

Delegation Guide For Lawyers 

Really loved this article from Jason Feng where he systemised a Delegation Guide For Lawyers.

Delegation is something which, if done effectively, can well and truly turn the dial for any business yet receives very little time in the self-development spotlight.

Jason laid out some very clear frameworks and check-box approaches when deciding the nature of the tasks that can be delegated.

I particularly liked his reiteration of Eisenhower’s famous Decision Matrix:

Although it is written from a laywer’s perspective, the principles and methodology can be easily applied to any business/corporate position.

You can read the full article here.

Marketing Strategy I found fascinating:

Have AI Break, Have A KitKat

Most of us have probably heard KitKat’s famous slogan, “Have a break, have a KitKat”.

Well, KitKat’s Canadian marketing department deserves a raise because they recently came out with an absolute ripper of a campaign: Have AI, Have A KitKat.

The 1-minute commercial showcases how the accuracy and effectiveness of AI chatbots is significantly improved when you ask it to “have a break” before answering your question/command.

For example: “Have a break, and then summarise Romeo and Juliet…” leads to a better summary of Romeo and Juliet then simply typing, “Summarise Romeo and Juliet”.

This feeds into their well-established messaging of the importance of “having a break”, and ties into the brand association between breaks and KitKats which they have relentlessly cultivated over time. So much so that I can’t hear someone say “have a break” in any context with immediately thinking “…have a KitKat”.

Relevant, on-brand, unique.

Everything you look for in a marketing campaign.

Well done, KitKat.

Tweet I liked:

Reminder to self: Keep It Simple Stupid.

Thanks for reading! Grateful for your support.

Stay hungry, stay humble, stay curious. ⚡

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