#052 – Big Spaces & Big Thinking

Quote, Podcast, Framework, Hack, Tweet.

Bringing 5 interesting ideas to your inbox every Thursday morning to ignite your curiosity and drive your growth.

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#052 at a Glance:

  • Quick Message From Me.

  • Quote that will get you thinking: When the way appears.

  • Podcast you should listen to: How to prepare for a business exit.

  • Framework: 7 types of rest.

  • Hack: Big spaces catalyse big thinking.

  • Tweet I liked: There’s no excuse big enough...

Quick Message From Me:

Newsletter #052 – an entire year of Five to Thrive newsletters. Bloody unreal.

Thank you all so much for your unending support ❤️

It truly means so much.

Here’s to another year and many more to come.

Quote that will get you thinking:

“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”


Podcast you should listen to:

How To Prepare For A Business Exit with Tobi Pearce

We often hear about methods and ways of starting or even growing a business, but very few entrepreneurs get into the weeds of strategically preparing a business for a successful exit.

This podcast did exactly that.

Graeme from The Money Mentor chats with Tobi Pearce, founder and former CEO of SWEAT, one of the largest content subscription apps in the health and fitness industry.

Should all business owners exit? Should an exit be meticulously planned? What are some key oversights business owners could experience without the right team? Post-exit advice for business owners?

Listen on Spotify here. Listen on Apple Podcasts here. Watch on YouTube here.

[Podcast Length: 32 minutes]


7 Types of Rest 

Great framework from Ben Meer on the 7 types of rest, along with some examples:

  1. Physical Rest


  • Sleep 7+ hours nightly

  • Take short naps (when and if possible)


  • Stretch

  • Get a massage

  • Use an ergonomic chair + desk

  1. Mental Rest

  • Write down your to-dos

  • Reference checklists

  • Create a shutdown ritual to separate work time from downtime

  • Take a break from problem-solving

  1. Social Rest

  • Spend more time with people who give you energy

  • Spend less time with people who steal your energy

  • If you’re an introvert, block out time to be alone

  1. Spiritual Rest

  • Be part of something bigger than yourself

  • Volunteer

  • Go to church

  • Participate in faith-based activities

  1. Sensory Rest

  • Take a break from social media

  • Turn off notifications (sound and visual alerts)

  • Make airplane mode your best friend

  1. Emotional Rest

  • Emotional rest deficit occurs when you feel like you can’t be authentic. E.g. an airline attendant who must always smile, despite rude passengers.

  • Spend time with people you can be authentic around.

  1. Creative Rest

  • Take in a sunrise or sunset

  • Go to the beach

  • Go for a walk in nature

  • Visit a museum or art festival

  • Engage with inspiring music, books, documentaries, etc.

I really love this framework and I think that it’s an extremely accurate way of thinking about rest – depending on how we feel, there are different types of ‘rest’ that can be more/less beneficial.

Sometimes, sitting down on the couch and watching Netflix might be a type of ‘rest’, but is it the type of rest that is best-suited to how we feel at that very moment? Or are we simply engaging in an enjoyable activity and justifying it as ‘rest’ even though there’s something else that we could be doing (e.g. sensory or spiritual rest) which might be better for how we currently feel?


Big Spaces Catalyse Big Thinking

Came across an awesome hack from Sahil Bloom this week on the idea of finding inspiration from open spaces:

“Your environment creates your entire reality. When you spend time in big, open, inspiring spaces, your mind becomes big, open, and inspired.

I don’t know how it happens, but within minutes of arriving [at the entrepreneurial retreat that Sahil recently co-hosted in Cabo, Mexico], staring out at the grand expanse of the ocean, seeing the beautiful villa, and breathing the fresh air, everyone independently mentions feeling inspired to think big.

If you’re feeling stuck (on a project, or in life), go outside for a short walk in nature, spend a day at the beach, get yourself into a big, open, bright space. I guarantee your entire mindset will shift.

Big spaces catalyze big thinking.”

I spent some time doing a bushwalk near my house last weekend – strongly recommend.

It’s far too easy to become sedated into the comfortability of our everyday lives.

An unrelenting fixation with technology, long hours in the office, and numerous other commitments attempt to pull us away from time immersed in nature.

Take some time and force yourself into these environments.

There really is so much to be said about surrounding ourselves with such a raw and unfiltered landscape that can only be described as revitalising for the soul.

Going to do my best to make this a weekly/fortnightly thing – let me know if any of you would be keen on joining me :)

Would love for you to come along.

Tweet I liked:

Big believer of this one.

Thanks for reading! Grateful for your support.

Stay hungry, stay humble, stay curious. ⚡

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