#040 – Work & The One Degree Rule

Quote, Podcast, Mental Model, Interesting Phenomenon, Tweet.

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#040 at a Glance:

  • Quote that will get you thinking: The most powerful thing you can do as an investor.

  • Podcast you should listen to: Joe Rogan x Yeonmi Park.

  • Mental Model: The Truth About Work.

  • Interesting Phenomenon: The One Degree Rule.

  • Tweet I liked: 7 Stoic Lessons from Marcus Aurelius.

Quote that will get you thinking:

“If you want to do better as an investor, the single most powerful thing you can do is increase your time horizon.”

Morgan Housel

Podcast you should listen to:

The Joe Rogan Experience #1691 - Yeonmi Park

Yeonmi Park was born in North Korea and managed to escape the country at the age of 13 years old. Crossing the border into China, she was sold as a slave, raped, and starved. At the age of 15, she managed to flee to South Korea where she began her life for the very first time as a free person.

I finally got around to listening to this episode and oh my goodness.

I’ve never walked away from a podcast with such a confronting and horrific view of what some people are capable of in this world.

If you don’t know Yeonmi and don’t really know all that much about North Korea, you need to listen to this podcast. It’s a story that every single person reading this needs to be privy to in order to:

1) Have a holistic and balanced view of the world; and

2) Understand how truly blessed we are for the lives we get to live.

Listen or Watch on Spotify here.

Mental Model:

The Truth About Work 

Came across this fantastically honest quote from business executive Jay Ferro earlier this week:

“The three stages of career development are:

1) I want to be in the meeting

2) I want to run the meeting

3) I want to avoid meetings.”

I think it’s absolutely brilliant and encapsulates an important truth about our desire for power.

I feel that in many ways, young people (including myself to a degree) seek power and authority.

In the workplace, this typically manifests itself as ‘being in the meeting’ and wanting to ‘run the meeting’.

But are we actually seeking power? Is that really what we’re interested in?

I think that our desire to be in a position to ‘run the meeting' masquerades a deeper and more meaningful desire to have freedom and control.

The ambitious employee doesn’t want to run the meeting for the sake of running the meeting; they want to run the meeting for the freedom and self-autonomy that comes with being in the hierarchical position to run the meeting.

This is evidenced by the willingness of the well-advanced worker to now ‘avoid meetings’.

Let’s be honest: meetings are short and mostly unmemorable. It was never about the meeting itself.

It’s about what the meeting represents – decision-making freedom and autonomy of self.

Keen to hear your thoughts.

Interesting Phenomenon:

The One Degree Rule

The ‘One Degree Rule’ or ‘1 in 60 Rule’ (which I only came across this week for the very first time) states that for each one degree a plane veers off course, it will miss its destination by one mile for every 60 miles it flies.


Why’s that important to know?

For me, it’s an illustration of two things:

1) The importance of consistently taking stock of where I’m at when it comes to my goals (fitness, relationships, finances, etc.) because I could be on autopilot mindlessly veering off course.

2) The essentiality of frequent and well-informed course corrections.

Hope it helps.

Tweet I liked:

That’s all for this week, thanks for reading!

Grateful for your support.

Stay hungry, stay humble, & stay curious. ⚡

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