#030 – Visual Cues & 38 Reading Rules

Quote, Podcast, Article, Hack, Tweet.

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#030 at a Glance:

  • Quote that will get you thinking: Every day, do this one thing.

  • Podcast you should listen to: 10 rules everyone needs to keep in mind.

  • Article you should read: Ryan Holiday’s 38 Reading Rules.

  • Hack you should try: Visual cues for good habits.

  • Tweet I liked: A useless vanity metric.

Quote that will get you thinking:

“Every day, do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.”

Doug Firebaugh

Podcast you should listen to:

The Matt Gray Show Ep. 10: 10 Rules That’ll Change Your Life Today

Matt Gray is a super fascinating guy and an entrepreneur/content creator I really look up to.

In this 14-minute podcast, he dissects 10 of the most valuable lessons he has accumulated in both his career and his life.

No fluff, no ads, no wasted time. Just straight to the point.

Rule 3 and rule 9 in particular resonated me with the most.


Listen on Spotify here. Listen on Apple Podcasts here. Watch on YouTube here.

Article you should read:

Ryan Holiday: These 38 Reading Rules Changed My Life 

Ryan Holiday, undoubtedly one of the greatest stoicism authors of our time, articulates 38 reading rules that serve as pillars for the way he accumulates knowledge.

From a nerdy perspective, for me, reading this article was bloody awesome.

My favourite takeaways:

  • When deciding which books to read, err on the side of age. Classics are classics for a reason.

  • Don’t just read books, re-read books. The books don’t change but you do.

  • Speed reading is a scam.

  • If a book sucks, stop reading it (most people don’t follow this advice, myself included).

  • When intelligent people read, they ask themselves a simple question: What do I plan to do with this information?

Read the full article here (don’t worry, it’s short and concise, will only take you a couple minutes to flick through).

Hack you should try:

Visual Cues for Good Habits

We often hear about the importance of removing visual cues as a way of avoiding bad habits.

Trying to lose weight? Remove the cookie jar from the pantry. Spending too much time watching TV? Cancel your streaming subscription. Tend to go on your phone when you wake up in the middle of the night? Leave it outside your room.

These are little things we can do to assist us in breaking bad habits. But what are some of the things we can do to perhaps reinforce some of our good habits?

What are some visual cues we can employ to make doing good things easier?

  • Leave your running shoes at the foot of your bed before you go to sleep so you can incentivise yourself to go for a run in the morning.

  • Not drinking enough water throughout the day? Leave a few water bottles around your house so that everywhere you go it is within arm's reach.

  • Find yourself forgetting to read each day? Leave a book on your pillow before you leave the house so that you can pick it up before you go to sleep.

These are obviously just some examples which may or may not apply to you, but in any case, the idea is this:

Fill your surrounding environment with visual reminders of good habits to both motivate and reinforce the maintenance of those good habits.

Hope it helps.

Tweet I liked:

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

That’s all for this week, thanks for reading!

Grateful for your support.

Stay hungry, stay humble, & stay curious. ⚡

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